On Dentists and Writing

But you just don’t say that type of thing to someone poised over your mouth with a razor-sharp piece of unnaturally strong thread. I knew a guy once that would’ve told you that a supreme race of extraterrestrials gave us the technology for dental floss.
Last night was a favorable night of solitude while the Jen was off at school. I had a nice, long workout at the gym. Took a lengthy and hot shower. Gawked in amazment at my hair. Poured a cool, refreshing gin and tonic and…
….I started working on novel numero two. I tackled the first several chapters and got off to what I feel is a really solid start. The desire to start on the second book of the series I'm working on has been steadily creeping up on me. I felt pretty inspired all day yesterday. I took having last night free as a chance to get the ball rolling. As inspired as I felt, the first few pages were pretty painful to squeeze out. However, the gin began to serve as a verbal laxitive and I was on my way before long. I don't know much about the story of this second book yet. I know the major plot points and the general direction, but I'm excited to see how the finer details pan out.
The remainder of the evenings this week are to be devoted to hyping the Iota CD release Bash. I’m having a hard time figuring out where the past several months have gone. Ready or not – October 22nd is a scant five days away.
On a side note, I just ate some pretzels. Underrated in the snacking community as far as I’m concerned. However, I neglected to heed the fact that pretzels have a nasty knack of sticking to your teeth. It’s as if, chemically, after several chews, the crunch goodness changes into some ultra-strong adhesive. Oh, Ms. Hygienist will have her way with me yet.
If I even as much as hear Corbin Berson's voice, I'm running.
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