that's cinnamon and sugar, baby

So. The Cheez Its are gone. And thank god. Of course, I think they all went into my belly. Might I introduce you to the evil bastards pictured above. What these devil-spawn busy making? No, it's not plague. It's not hellfire nor brimstone.
It's Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Seriously, when is the last time you had Cinnamon Toast Crunch (the song is kinda catchy, I know). Well, the last time I had it was last night. Several bowls and and an upset stomach later I wondered how the box had gotten there. I think Jen is trying to plump me up so she can cook me and serve me to the pets...or maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Really, though. The CTC is one utterly-bastard delicious cereal. I think the progenitor of this line of whole-grain goodness, was a single square of holy wonder given to mankind by the baby Jesus himself.
General Mills has stormed my ramparts.
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