from svelt to sweatpants, winter's delicious excess
It’s really cold out. I mean really damn cold. The kind of cold that makes you want to cower in your favorite pub until spring. With the frosty weather comes an undeniable urge to eat as much as possible – probably that ol’ survival instinct kicking in. Insulation = warmth. It’s unnatural to eat salads and exercise during the gelid months of winter. Pizza-gorging, beer consumption, and couch surfing are habits laced throughout the human genome waiting eagerly for the mercury to drop. You can feel the first tickle of the gluttonous-side of self-preservation when the leaves start to change and fall. Thanksgiving gets things going full force. It boggles the mind. One week you feel guilty because you put feta cheese on your walnut vinaigrette salad, the next week you find it completely acceptable to eat a chopsteak covered in creamy mash potatoes, Swiss cheese, and bacon.
Holy shit.
That sounds good.
Its funny – even the cats and dogs are getting plump. I don’t think they’re living under the edict that “everything shall be covered in cheese”. Although, if King could figure out how to manipulate the cheese grater, he’d probably kick the kibble up a notch. BAM! I don’t think I need to name the two dogs that have been working extra hard at finding frozen treats in the backyard – cheese or no.

1 Comments: the end of this holiday, I will likely look like the Michelin Man. In fact, I'm cramming a PayDay bar into my face right now....
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