i'm too sexy for this quota

I think there are a lot of contributing factors to this problem. For starters, it’s not good to be both lazy and a member of multiple email lists. I’m on countless email groups and listservs. Okay, not really countless, but it makes this a more dramatic posting. I just cannot muster the effort to delete a message after I’ve read it. Move the pointer. Click delete. Wait. I see at least four steps there. Generally, I prefer one step – next. If I’m going to *read* these emails and maybe even respond, effort is a super-important thing not to waste. There is also the “what if” factor. For example: “What if I need this email from Steve that he sent six months ago asking me if I could bring a bag of ice to his barbeque?”
Why would I ever need to read that email again?
But if I did? And I deleted it? How screwed would I be?
I go through phases where I’ll clean up my email boxes and I’ll even delete messages after I’ve read them. I always fall off the wagon. I just don’t see this changing or getting better. So, when there is no room left on the Internet for such important things as Martha Stewart’s head superimposed on a Baywatch model’s body, or flash animations of singing poo – you’ll know who to blame.
The day may be closer than you think…

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