it's my island, i own it
Hallelujah, holy shit. It’s Friday. That, in and of itself, is not all that shocking. What I do find shocking is that October is over in a scant few days. Clocks are to be changed this weekend, thus gaining me an unearned, additional hour of sleep. It has been a trippy and bizarre week, to say the very least. Elliot in the Morning mentioned the Pharmacy Prophets the other day on the air (Tuesday, I think it was). He did not say we sucked. To contrary, he said we were a good band and a bunch of good guys. Clearly, he did not meet me on Saturday night; I was not on my best behavior. There are numerous parties I can thank for that, but mostly, I’d like to thank myself.
After all, this blog is about me.

The halfway-through-the-set-shot of firewater (to be read as a juice glass, brimming with amber-death) was where things took a deadly turn for me. I was praying to the gods above and the devils below that there was no encore. I wanted to set the bass down and take the Nestea plunge during that next song. I’m not weak in the knees when it comes to doing a shot, but I had gorged myself on water the entire hour prior to the set – there wasn’t much room left in there for Jack Daniels. Not to mention, Captain Morgan and his band of buccaneers had already docked for the evening in the Bay of Phil.
And that’s all there is to it.
I’ve had ridiculously prolific week on the novelist front (that sounds really pretentious, doesn’t it?). I won’t get into the ugly details of it, but you can find out more about that here. I have not worked out a single day this week. Instead, I’ve eaten and sat still. Very still. I think it has been good for my psyche to not be over-obsessed with health and exercise. If you ask the Jen, I was teetering on the edge…of something. Saturday it’s over to Arlington to retrieve my beloved bomber jacket (that someone managed to walk off with mistaking it for their own on Saturday – thank god for Gavin rescuing it) and then up to Rockville I go. It was a short break for the Habit (considering we have gone for month stretches with out playing, in the past). I’m looking forward to it, as is everyone else. We’re going to attempt resurrect and rework a tune or two from the golden days.
All in all, it has certainly been a good week. I’ll be returning to some semblance of reality next week. That’s not quite accurate.
Next week will bring something different.
Well said.
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